Does it get boring?
“Does it get boring rubbing peoples’ muscles all day?”
I wanted to holler, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”
Massage therapy dates back thousands of years. It was praised for health and wellness in ancient writings from China, Japan, India and Egypt. It has fascinated practitioners and helped their lucky clients and patients in thousands of ways. The more I learn about massage therapy, the more I discover there is to learn. It has become my life’s work!

Massage therapists are committed healthcare professionals. We become part of an individual’s healthcare TEAM. The goal is to support their goal of improving their health and quality of life or help maintain what they have already achieved.
Clearly, my dear new patient didn’t realize how much he was missing in his understanding of massage therapy. And I am an educator. So I responded to him with this:
Massage Therapy is a practice like any medical profession or skill. We learn as we go and further our scope of practice through knowledge we have gained. The more we know, the more we can do what we came to do: help people.
There are many soft tissue issues that are best resolved by massage. I am a life-long learner, and this field provides me endless opportunities to learn. So, no. It is never boring, not by a long stretch (to any muscle).